Due to the increase of postal fees in Hellenic Posts from July 27, 2023, the postage listed in previous lots posts are no longer valid. Please consult sellers.

Cover from Mytilene Island, Greece to Alexandrie, postmarked with “TAXYΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ ΜΥΤΙΛΗΝΗΣ * 18 Χ 38" [MYTILHNHS' POST OFFICE * 18 X 38]. Passed by the Exchange Control Office there, two “Seated Athena” violet circular double-ring markings texted “ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ ΕΘΝΙΚΟΥ ΝΟΜΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ * MYΤΙΛΗΝΗΣ” [National Currency Protection Service of Mytilene] in the belt around, was affixed on the back. It was also applied a special printed tape texted ' ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΣΥΝΑΛΛΑΓΜΑΤΟΣ / CONTROLE DU CHANGE'

Arriving in Egypt, was postmarked with a faint pmk 'ALEXANDRIA 28 OCT 38' (on the back).

Shipping after payment

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We ship by registered mail.
We combine shipping (the final rate depends on the weight).

We can ship by regular mail at your own risk.

Domestic 5.50

EU 7.50

US 8.50

World 8.50

Cover to Alexandria Egypt with Exchange Control marking 1938; Mytilene 18.10.38 Aegean islands Atalanti 7.IV.41, Central Greece

item number: 67817045bf0474f47e10f3d9
SKU number: 10-413

START PRICE  6.00 Euro [0 bidders]
6.00 Euro
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2d 8h 14m

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