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Incoming airmailed cover from Lynn Massachusetts to Mytilene Island, Greece with 2-line ‘par AVION / by AIR MAIL’ blue bilingual airmail label in English/French, coded ‘Form 2978’ and 1-line red rubber cachet 'VIA AIR MAIL'. U.S. stamps 30¢ and 3¢ adhesives, cancelled with “LYNN MASS SEP 24” postal mark and killer ‘GPO’.
Arriving in Greece; the cover was backstamped with “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ? X.40 ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ” [Athens Despatch, ? October 1940] machine postal marking, added by slogan reading “ΑΠΟΓΡΑΦΗ ΠΛΗΘΥΣΜΟΥ” [Population Census] to be forwarded to Mytilene Island, where it passed by the Exchange Control Office there. A special exchange contol from BANK of GREECE handstamp was affixed, ...inside the cover a check of 10 US dollars was found...etc, signed by the parties involved.

Stamped on both sides with “Seated Athena” violet circular double-ring marking texted “ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ ΕΘΝΙΚΟΥ ΝΟΜΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ * MYΤΙΛΗΝΗΣ” [National Currency Protection Service of Mytilene] in the belt around.

Mytilene’ receiving date stamp on the back applied, 'ΜΥΤΙΛΗΝΗ ΑΦΙΞΙΣ * 10 ΟΚΤ 1940'.

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We ship by registered mail.
We combine shipping (the final rate depends on the weight).

We can ship by regular mail at your own risk.

Domestic 5.50

EU 7.50

US 8.50

World 8.50

WW2 GrWW2 US Massachusetts airmail cover to Mytilene island Greece with Exchange Control marking 1940eece civil censorship; Atalanti 7.IV.41, Central Greece

item number: 67815f3fbf0474e57510f3d9
SKU number: 10-411

START PRICE  6.00 Euro [0 bidders]
6.00 Euro
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2d 6h 50m

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