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ANDRINOPLE - EDIRNE [surrender of the town: The throwing up of Shukri Pasha's saber by H.M. the Tsar was a sign of bravery / ОДРИНЪ Повръщането сабята на Шукри Паша отъ Н. В. Царя бъ знакъ на храбрость (photo Костка), picture postcard sent free of charge from by a military, with the Ottoman bilingual postmark of DEMIR-TACHE 6.4.13 (Kara-Agatche, Karaağaç, Караагач) sent to ХАСКОВО-HASKOVO 8.IV.913, ex Andrew Cronin collection, RR & Sup

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Τέλος αντικαταβολής για Ελλάδα 6.50€.
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Domestic 5.50

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World 8.50

Turkey Bulgaria 1st Balkan War 1913, picture postcard with Mehmed Şükrü Pasha & Tsar Ferdinand (surrender of Edirne)

item number: 6608e698bf04747354e88fd8
SKU number: 3660-498

START PRICE  30.00 Euro [0 bidders]
30.00 Euro
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2d 23h 39m

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