ΕΛΑΣΣΩΝ 12.7.18 (Elassona, Larissa Thessaly, with the word ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ removed*) tying a 15λ lithographic definitive (should be 25λ), on censored cover sent to ALEXANDRIA E 31.7.918, Egypt. Censored upon transit, in Athens, by reader 230, sealed with ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ / CENSURE HELLENIQUE re-sealing tape, tied with ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ 6 (Hellenic Censorship 6). Censored afain upon arrival in Egypt, with "waves" censorship marking, R & VF
* Elassona was a town in the part of Macedonia that was liberated by the Greek Army during the First Balkan War.
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Τέλος αντικαταβολής για Ελλάδα 6.50€.
We can ship by regular mail at your own risk.
Domestic 5.50
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