Violet double-ring cachet texted ‘ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ / ΣΠΑΡΤΗΣ’ in belt + “E.4” reader’s marking aside [Sparta censorship, Reader no. ‘E. 4’] on postcard to Αthens, franked with 2x1dr regular ’Head of King George II’ (Historical set, 1937-39) adhesives.
Readdressed to Karyes village, Laconia of the Peloponnese peninsula; unit officer's "Eλ, "ελογοκρίθη" 31/12/40" pencil manuscript self-censure certification (front) Backstamped on arrival at final destination with ‘ΚΑΡΥΑΙ 31.XΙΙ.40’ [Karyes 31 December 1940].
Condition: Excellent; see scans.
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