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Official letter sent to Μιχ. Ιωάννου (Michael Ioannou, Secretary of the Plomari Tax Office) by the General Financial Inspector of the Aegean islands, with handstamp of the ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ ΝΗΣΩΝ ΑΙΓΑΙΟΥ.
Used by the receiver as travel permit, with his photo affixed and tied with ΛΙΜΕΝΙΚΟΣ ΕΠΙΘΕΩΡΗΤΗΣ ΛΕΣΒΟΥ on the document. The French authorities of Lesbos allowed his travel to Plomari, with special handstamp COMMANDEMENT MILITAIRE FRANÇAIS DE L'ILE DE MITYLENE, Bon pour se render à ...[Plumari], Mitylène le ... [15.10.18], Le Chef du Service de la Sûreté and the circular SERVICE FRANCAIS DE L'ARRAISONNEMENT, MYTILÈNE, RR & G-F

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Greece France Lesvos Mytilini 1918 WW1, official letter used as a travel permit, with French authorisation

item number: 646727f4bf04746e68d89b1d
SKU number: 555-24

START PRICE  25.00 Euro [0 bidders]
25.00 Euro
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6d 22h 31m

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