Скопје, железничката филијала: USKUB (GARE) 2-2-902, bilingual postmark (C&W C3-136, Ağaoğulları AP08-3, Bayındır 27) (Skopje, Railway Station), faint violet on 20pa postal card stationery 1901, sent to SPA 5.FEVR.1902 Belgium, via BRUXELLES 5.FEVR.1902, G (M)
Sender a hairdresser (Hassan Fehmi, coiffeur)
Product questions
We ship by registered mail.
We combine shipping (the final rate depends on the weight).
Τέλος αντικαταβολής για Ελλάδα 6€.
We can ship by regular mail at your own risk.
Domestic 5.00
EU 6.00
US 6.00
World 6.00