Letter written by a political exiled (Prison of Patras, Peloponnese), addressed to his lawyer, censored in the Prison, with violet handstamp of the censorship (recommendations to the addressee):
ΑΠΑΝΤΑΤΕ ΜΕ 10 ΓΡΑΜΜΕΣ ΑΠΟΛΥΤΩΣ ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΕΙΑΚΑ, ΑΛΛΩΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΡΕΦΕΤΑΙ Η ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ (ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΦΥΛΑΚΩΝ) (Reply with 10 lines, only for family matters. Otherwise the letter is returned, Censorship of the Prison). Cover franked with 2,50δρχ Alexander the Great (Ancient Art issue, part III), tied by ΠΑΤΡΑΙ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ 2.III.60 (Patras, Peloponnese) sent to ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΑΦΙΞΙΣ 2.ΙΙΙ.60 (Athens), R & VF
Sender [Political Exiled]: Σωτήριος Καρούτας
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