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1934.05.26: Athens-Drama, ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ 26.V.34 (Athens) tying 1δρχ +2δρχ Landscapes + 50λ +1δρχ Airmails, on cover sent to ΔΡΑΜΑ ΑΦΙΞΙΣ 26.V.34 (Drama, Macedonia), returned to ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΑΦΙΞΙΣ 29.ΜΑΙ.34 (machine postmark, Athens). Violet "ΕΝΑΡΞΙΣ ΑΕΡΟΠ. ΣΥΓΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΣ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ-ΔΡΑΜΑΣ ΜΑΪΟΣ 1934", an ΕΕΕΣ/HACC Flight. Rare vignette UTILISEZ LES LIGNES AERIENNES SOC. HELLÉNIQUE DES COMM. AÉRIENNES SHCA (Hellas AL18B, rare on document), and linear ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΗ ΑΦΙΞΙΣ (Air arrival) in violet (Hellas AC25, first day of use). Sent for philatelic purposes by Nicholas Lekkas of Aeroespresso Italiana, scarce & VF

Hellas 338D, 543 covers flown from Athens

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Greece 1934, Philatelic airmail cover Athens-Drama (ΕΕΕΣ flight) with rare label and arrival marking

item number: 6438dcd7bf0474ca419e6697
SKU number: 7605-7

START PRICE  25.00 Euro [0 bidders]
25.00 Euro
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5d 1h 24m

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