Due to the increase of postal fees in Hellenic Posts from July 27, 2023, the postage listed in previous lots posts are no longer valid. Please consult sellers.

Single-line greenish-blue cachet texted ‘ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ’ [Hellenic Censorship] and crest centrally on flap closing of commercial printed corner cover to Athens, franked with 3dr ’Head of King George II’ (Historical set, 1937) regular plus 50lepta ‘Social Providence’ (Heads of Queens Olga and Sophia, 1939) stamps, and cancelled with ‘ΤΡΙΠΟΛΙΣ 9 XII 40’ 5-line wavy postal marking 1 IV 41’.
Opened and examined at the local censor office; upper edge secured with 3-line provisional tape texted in Greek ‘Ελογοκρίθη / Υπηρεσία Λογοκρισίας Αρκαδίας / Ο Λογοκρίνας -- Οι Συμπράτοντες’ [Censored / Arcadia Censorship Service / The Censurer -- The Contributors].
No other postal indications for arrival in Athens except the diamond number ‘27’ applied by the delivering postman.
Condition: Excellent; see scans.

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WW2 Greece civil censorship; Tripolis 9.12.1940, Peloponnese

item number: 639c2d2dbf0474a94ad88e5f
SKU number: 0381

START PRICE  18.00 Euro [0 bidders]
18.00 Euro
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2d 6h 8m

  • cash, bank transfer


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