Three-ring violet cachet texted ‘ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ’ [Thessaloniki Censorship] in belt with crest centrally on commercial registered corner cover printed ‘Πρώην Ατμόμυλος & Κεραμοποιείο Αλλατίνη [former Allatini Steammill & Ceramics Factory], with framed oblong “ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ” registry marking endorsed with pencil “Σ 1657” [Registry no. 1657, Thessaloniki].
Franked with 1dr + 2x3dr Greek ’Head of King George II’ regular (Historical set, 1937) and 20lepta ‘Thessaloniki International Exhibition Fund’ (1934) plus 50lepta ‘Social Providence’ (Heads of Queens Olga and Sophia) (1939) stamps, postmarked ‘ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΑ 1.ΙΙ.1941’ [THESSALONIKI, Registered 1 February 1941].
Opened and passed by censor locally; secured with tape printed in Greek ‘ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ’ [Hellenic Censorship] on both sides, and stamped with rose ‘ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ 14’ single line examiner’s marking.
Backstamped at destination with s.r. ‘ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΑ 4.II.41 –ΑΦΙΞΙΣ’ [Athens Registered Arrival, 4 February April 1941] postal date-stamp.
Condition: Good; see scans.
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