Postal stationery card with message from Vasilica, Macedonia to Thessaloniki, franked with 2dr design of the ‘Battle of Salamis’ (pr. «ΑΣΠΙΩΤΗ-ΕΛΚΑ»), and 50lepta ‘Social Providence’ (Heads of Queens Olga and Sophia) stamps (1939) with added 10lepta Postage Due stamp overprinted charity, cancelled with ‘ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΑ 22 ΙΑΝ. 41’ postmark [Vasilika, 22 January 1941].
Passed by censor at the local censorship office; stamped with three-ring violet cachet texted ‘ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΩΝ ΘΕΣ/ΝΙΚΗΣ’ [Vasilika/Thessaloniki Censorship] and crest centrally.
Condition: Good; see scans.
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