Two-line violet handstamp texted ‘ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑΣ / ΑΤΑΛΑΝΤΗΣ’ [Atalanti Censorship Service], and reader’s red ms signature with initials on open plain cover addressed to Athens.
[This office also censored the correspondence of the wounded soldiers in nearby military hospital at Kamena Vourla, which applied a three-ring cachet, texted ‘ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ ΝΟΣΟΚΟΜΕΙΟΝ / ΚΑΜΜΕΝΑ ΒΟΥΡΛΑ [(Military Hospital, Kammena Vourla] in belt with crest centrally.]
Sender’s details: Soldier, Military Hospital at Kammena Vourla.
Examined and sealed by the Atalanti censure office; postmarked ‘ΛΟΥΤΡΑ ΚΑΜΜΕΝΩΝ ΒΟΥΡΛΩΝ 7.IV.41’ [Kamena Vourla Springs PO, 7 April 1941] for departure.
Backstamped on arrival at Athens final destination with ‘ΜΑΚΡΥΓΙΑΝΝΗ AΘΗΝΩΝ 11.IV.41 [Athens Macriyianni PO, Arrival 11 April 1941].
Condition: Opened roughly; see scans.
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