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Hellenic Chamber of Shipping [Ναυτικό Επιμελητήριο της Ελλάδος] circular dated 20 March 1941 in Piraeus, addressed to members in town announcing the establishment by the State of the "Soldier's Home" for the wounded heroes to receive all possible care during their short stay there.
[A general call inviting addressees on 18 March was mailed in an effort to “assist the efforts of the State by conducting a fundraiser among its members”.]
Circular mailed folded in three, secured with 50lepta ‘Chairing Diagoras of Rhodes’ adhesive (Historical issue, 1937), later torn by receiver, cancelled with ’ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ 21.ΙΙΙ.41’ [Piraeus Derpatch, 21 March 1941] 10-line wavy postal marking.
Violet single round cachet texted ‘ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑΣ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ’ [Piraeus Censorship Service] with crest centrally on document (behind).
Condition: Excellent; see scans.

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WW2 Greece civil censorship; Piraeus 21.III.41, Attica

item number: 62ecf478bf0474643d6d202a
SKU number: 0211

START PRICE  11.00 Euro [0 bidders]
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4d 21h 4m

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