Κωνσταντινούπολη (Constantinople) in 4 languages [Greek, old-Turkish, French and Armenian):
- ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΣ ΚΥΡΙΛΛΟΥ, αρ. 2 Σαντάλια Βεζεστεν Οδός Τερζίμπαση Αρ. 2, ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ
- DEMETRE KYRILLO, Nº 2 Sandal Bezesten rue Terzi Nº 2, Constantinople
visit card, lithographic, RRR but faulty -problems due to humidity
Product questions
We ship by registered mail.
We combine shipping (the final rate depends on the weight).
Τέλος αντικαταβολής για Ελλάδα 6€.
We can ship by regular mail at your own risk.
Domestic 5.00
EU 6.00
US 6.00
World 6.00