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1839, Triest–Nafplion: Entire folded letter from Italy TRIEST 1[2].JUN.1839 /Franco in red, sent to Ναύπλιον (Nafplion, Peloponnese) via ΠATPAI 21.ΙΟΥΝΙ.1839 (Patras), with black boxed entry marking 'EΛΛAΣ ΔIA ΠATPΩN' (Greece via Patras) and 'ΠΕΜΣ' [Πληρωμή Εξωτερικού Μέχρι Συνόρων (Franco to Borders)]. Handwritten rate '36' [kreuzer?] and '75' λεπτά, both in black and on obverse. Handwritten notice of the sender Δια Πατρών με το Αυστ. Ατμόπλοιον / Via Patrasso col Piroscafi Austriaco, RR & VF

Addressed to Νικόλαος Γ. Σαραντάρης (originated from Γύθειον/Gythion)

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Austria Italy Greece 1839, entire letter from Triest to Nauplia via Patras with ΠΕΜΣ & ΕΛΛΑΣ ΔΙΑ ΠΑΤΡΩΝ

item number: 6151b9aebf04748354f85b7d
SKU number: 3918-8

START PRICE  190.00 Euro [0 bidders]
190.00 Euro
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2d 9h 24m

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