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ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΛΕΒΙΔΟΥ 8 15.I.51 (Athens Plateia Syntagmatos / Constitution Square), tying a 1600δρχ Annexation of Dodecanese on cover sent to Switzerland. Airmail black marking PAR AVION, "T" (tax/postage due) marking (erased with a pencil and handwritten 7gr) and exchange control marking of Athens Ε ΕΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΘΗ ΥΠΟ ΤΗΣ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗΣ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ ΕΘΝΙΚΟΥ ΝΟΜΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ - ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - (Censored by the 5th Commission for the Protection of the National Currency) & two circular censor markings 2 and 8, scarce & VF

Corner cover of A. GEORGOPOULOS & Cie, Représentations, Importations - Exportations, 41 rue Churchill, Athènes

Product questions

We ship by registered mail.
We combine shipping (the final rate depends on the weight).

Τέλος αντικαταβολής για Ελλάδα 6€.
We can ship by regular mail at your own risk.

Domestic 5.00

EU 6.00

US 6.00

World 6.00

Greece 1951, ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΛΕΒΙΔΟΥ (Athens, Levidou) on airmail cover with Exchange Control

item number: 613e192ebf0474697dd82e99
SKU number: 7303-16

START PRICE  6.00 Euro [0 bidders]
6.00 Euro
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Auction Steps
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8d 20h 39m

  • Bank Transfer (Alpha Bank), Cash


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