Due to the increase of postal fees in Hellenic Posts from July 27, 2023, the postage listed in previous lots posts are no longer valid. Please consult sellers.

ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 1 11.ΟΚΤ.1898 (Athens) tying a 5λ Small Hermes Head (3rd period) on a 5λ postal card stationery (for inland mail) written in German, sent to New Guinea (Australia). Transit postmarks:
- ALEXANDRIE 29.X.98 (Athens-Piraeus-Alexandria: 953km)
- SUEZ 30.X.98 (Alexandria-Suez: >285km)
- COLOMBO NO.12.98 (Suez to Colombo: 5.947km)
- SYDNEY NO.29.98 (Colombo to Sydney: 9.798km)
- BRISBANE DE.1.98 (Sydney to Brisbane: 765km)
- COOKTOWN DE.7.98 (Brisbane to Cooktown: 1.567km)
- TOWNSVILLE DE.12.98 (Cooktown to Townsville: 491km)
Handwritten notice Via Soille[?] & Singapore
- SINGAPORE JA.12.99 (Townsville to Singapore: 5.927km)
- TOWNSVILLE FE.8.99 (Singapore to Townsville: 5.927km)
- SINGAPORE MY.29.99 (Townsville to Singapore: 5.927km)
without any other postal marking... The postal card was possibly returned to Greece, or remained somewhere in the Rebuts.
Overall, the postal card
followed a route of >37.587km for a period of 7 months and 5 days...

Possibly the most traveled Greek postal item, UNIQUE & VF

Product questions

We ship by registered mail.
We combine shipping (the final rate depends on the weight).

Τέλος αντικαταβολής για Ελλάδα 6€.
We can ship by regular mail at your own risk.

Domestic 5.00

EU 6.00

US 6.00

World 6.00

Greece 1898, 5λ postal card stationery uprated with Small Hermes Head, Athens to New Guinea (37.600km)

item number: 609aa739bf04741378b628fc
SKU number: 2800-30

START PRICE  999.00 Euro [0 bidders]
999.00 Euro
Enter your maximum bid, minimum 999.00 Euro
Auction Steps
How bidding works

12d 9h 13m

  • Bank Transfer (Alpha Bank), Cash


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