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Cover from a Greek officer of the 3rd Hellenic Infantry Division’s Staff advanced in Serbia, and stationed in Pirot area. Addressed to Athens, Greece; not postmarked but estimated it was dispatched through ΣΤΡΑΤ. ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΑ 915 18?.ΝΟΕ.18 [(Greek) Army Post Office 915, 18?.11.1918, JC], assigned to this Division.
Enclosed letter, dated 31 October 1918, includes account on the end of war: “My beloved sweet little sister, last night we received a telegram that truce with Germany was agreed; consequently, I believe that demobilization will follow within the next few days and so I will be in Athens till the end of November.”. Sender ms details in Greek: ‘Ανθυπολοχαγός, Επιτελείον III Μεραρχίας, Τ.Τ. 915’ [Second lieutenant, Staff 3rd Division, Postal Sector 915].
Addressee, Miss Nefeli Despotopoulou, is known along with her two sisters Georgia and Ioanna for having kept correspondence with Greek enlisted men in all fronts from 1912 (Balkan Wars) to 1922 (end of the expedition to Turkey). The large number “23” with pencil on cover indicates sender’s incoming letter, individually numbered upon receipt in his personal file, for reference as each man’s letter was always answered.
Transmitted via Thessaloniki [Allied “NO” triangular censor marking in black]. Passed also by Greek censor when opened and inspected on arrival in Athens, Greece; countersigned and sealed with tape printed ‘ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ / CENSURE HELLENIQUE’ tied with two-line h/s reading in Greek/French ’ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ / CENSURE HELLENIQUE / 17’ in black. Cover bears also a single circled ‘231’ examiner handstamp on front side.
Backstamped with mc ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 13. ΝΟΕ.18 ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΟΝ [Athens civil Central PO, 13 November 1918, JC].
[The 3rd Hellenic Infantry Division entered German-occupied South Serbia, participating in the allied general offence since 4 September 1918 under the command of the 11th French Colonial Division. Following the truce signed in Thessaloniki on 16 September 1918 for the Bulgarian Theatre of Operations, the division advanced north up to Pirot area (25.10.1918). On 16 December 1918, it commenced returning to Greece; the last troop arrived at Langada area north of Thessaloniki on 18 January 1919.]
All dates in Julian Calendar.
Item condition: Good; opened roughly. Interesting item though; see scans.

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WW1 Serbia Pirot 3rd Hellenic Infantry Division cover, APO 915 to Greece 1918

item number: 5eb95066bf0474e41c4dc949
SKU number: 2465

START PRICE  8.00 Euro [1 bidder]
8.00 Euro


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