ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΗ απόδειξις παραλαβής χρημάτων προς έκδοσιν Στρατ. Ταχ. επιταγής (Provisional receipt for the issue of a Military Money Order), used and signed 29-3-1941. Paid by an officer of the 671st Infantry Regiment, sent to Καστρί Κυνουρίας (Castri of Kynouria, Arcadia Peloponnese), RR & Sup
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We combine shipping (the final rate depends on the weight).
Τέλος αντικαταβολής για Ελλάδα 6€.
We can ship by regular mail at your own risk.
Domestic 5.00
EU 6.00
US 6.00
World 6.00