1941.11.15: Cover from ΣΗΤΕΙΑ 15.XI.1941 (Sitia), on 25c+2x50c Rodi stamps (a 50c Posta Aerea Rodi stamp was removed by the sender or the postman. Probably it couldn't be sent by Airmail (as the private handstamp ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ -applied by the Bank- indicate), via ΑΓΙΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ 21.XI.41 (Aghios Nikolaos), censormarking "2" gray-blue on VERIFICATO PER CENSURA label. Sent to ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 16.XII.41 (Athens), unusual, R & F
A rarity for the WW2 Italian and Greek collectors!!!
- Use of Rodi stamps (early period, scarce)
- Letter to Greece
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