Due to the increase of postal fees in Hellenic Posts from July 27, 2023, the postage listed in previous lots posts are no longer valid. Please consult sellers.

1893-11-03: Vlastos 109c /Hellas 97c, 5λ emerald-green, tied by ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 3.ΝΟΕΜ.93 (Athens), sent to Alexandria Egypt. The addressee was not found and two bilingual Egyptian postal markings were used: NON RECLAMÉ in black and BUREAU DES REBUTS 2.1.94 EGYPTE in red.

The Egyptian Post Office never returned the postcard to the sender, as it was posted from a country (Greece) different than the country mentioned in the sender's address (Italy)!

Decorated corner commercial postcard (sender "LUIGI ROSINA, Milano Italy") posted from Athens (instead from Milano). A UNIQUE example of printed matter rate used by a foreign company for its advertisement, EXTREMELY INTERESTING & Sup

Product questions

We ship by registered mail.
We combine shipping (the final rate depends on the weight).

Τέλος αντικαταβολής για Ελλάδα 4€.
We can ship by regular mail at your own risk.

Domestic 3.00

EU 5.00

US 5.00

World 5.00

Greece Italy Egypt, Small Hermes Head 1893, printed matter rate on Italian advertising postcard

item number: 583580a2bf0474dd1edbe918
SKU number: 306-60th

START PRICE  600.00 Euro [0 bidders]
600.00 Euro
Enter your maximum bid, minimum 600.00 Euro
Auction Steps
How bidding works

6d 16h 32m

  • Bank Transfer (Alpha Bank), Cash


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